PACA Briefing For Industry
September 9-12, 2024
Meet with industry and government customers face-to-face during three days of presentations, lunches, and open networking. Find your ideal customers. Connect directly with partners, funding agencies, and new prospects to discover what they need most from industry partners like you.
Register for BFIBriefing for Industry
The Professional Aerospace Contractors Association (PACA) of New Mexico is hosting its 36th BRIEFING FOR INDUSTRY (BFI), 9-12 September 2024, at Marriott Hotel off I-40 and Louisiana Albuquerque, New Mexico. The 2024 BFI offers three days of presentations and an opportunity to meet with industry and government customers face-to-face. This event draws more than 500 industry and government representatives annually. The presentations feature business opportunities for 2024 and beyond and include descriptions of missions; program objectives and plans; and, most importantly, identify contracting opportunities and technical points of contact.
Speaker information, updated event information, registration fee schedule, draft program agenda and online registration are all available below.
The online registration opens May 1, 2024, and attendees are encouraged to register early.
For assistance call: (505) 450-1165.
View BFI Meeting Details
Important Requirements
BRIEFING FOR INDUSTRY traditionally features senior leaders from the military services and government as keynote and guest speakers.
All non-government attendees are required to be U.S. citizens and to provide a copy of their organization’s DD2345, “Militarily Critical Technical Data Agreement”, prior to being confirmed for the conference.
NOTE: Before a DD2345 will be issued to a non-government entity, the entity must have completed a CMMC self -assessment and have the results entered in SPRS. Details regarding acquiring and submitting a DD2345 are available at

Invited Presenters
- AF Global Strike Command
- Air Force Nuclear Weapons Center (AFNWC)
- Air Force Operational Test and Evaluation Center (AFOTEC)
- Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) (all directorates)
- AFRL Office of Scientific Research (AFRL/AFOSR)
- High Energy Laser Joint Technology Office (HEL-JTO)
- Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)
- National Reconnaissance Office (NRO)
- Space Rapid Capabilities Office
- PEO for Strategic Systems
- Sandia National Laboratories (SNL)
- Space Systems Command (SSC) Directorates
- White Sands Missile Range (WSMR)
- Others

- Research and development
- Test and evaluation
- Technical and analytical support
- Operations and maintenance
- Systems procurement
BFI Meeting Details
Registration and Fees
Online Registration
PACA Sponsorship Opportunities
***IMPORTANT: BFI is restricted to U.S. citizens only and pre-approved companies.***
To provide a greater level of detail on programs, BFI 2024 will again be unclassified but restricted to U.S. citizens only. In order to attend, you must either be a U.S. Government employee, or for non-Government attendees, have a valid DD2345, “Militarily Critical Technical Data Agreement.” All non-U.S. Government attendees will be required to be U.S. citizens and to supply confirmation of their organization’s ability to receive Militarily Critical Technical Data either via their CAGE code verification or by providing a copy of their organization’s DD Form 2345 prior to confirmation for the conference. To verify your companies status or if you or your organization does not already have an approval, visit
NOTE: To obtain a DD2345 your organization must have completed the CMMC self-assessment and uploaded your score to SPRS.
Your registration will not be completed without this form being first completed and approved by the Government.
For questions or registration help please call our registration staff at (505) 450-1165.